Since high school, I have always tried my best to immerse myself into new challenges. Thus, I took classes in a wide variety of fields from performing arts, engineering, economics, environmental science, and business finance and marketing. Although, I had a memorable time in each of the classes that I took, one field in particular stood out to me, and that was business. From my junior year, I began to focus more on my business classes, absorbing as much information as I could that would best prepare me for college and beyond.
I was not thinking of going into a field that was highly computer intensive until I entered college. Similar to many of my colleagues, I went into college as an Exploratory Business major. I was fully aware that the future would become more technologically advanced and that going into the business industry, understanding technology would be extremely important. When I took the first ICS 101 course, I was drawn to the complexity of the internet and was eager to learn more. The following semester I took BUS 311, an Information Systems course, and from there I became more interested in careers within CyberSecurity and Information Technology. I find it interesting of how many possibilities there are on the internet, along with the codes, websites, and security softwares that we could learn to utilize.
I hope to learn a lot regarding programming codes in this ITM 352, and test my technical knowledge to advance myself throughout my MIS journey during and post-college.