12 May 2023
Briefly describe your system (e.g. A store selling Pokemon game cards) Our system is a store selling K-Pop albums featuring four different product types containing various albums. Any notable shortcomings, bugs, problems, or additional features not implemented? With a couple...
Assignment 3 Reflection Learning Teamwork
27 Apr 2023
Show what each page will look like. The pages do not have to be “functional” but the design should be clear. Here is an example PPT prototype Click HERE for a brief overview of our prototype layout and functionality for...
Assignment 3 Checkpoint Progress
23 Apr 2023
Provide a brief introduction to the assignment along with a link to this page for further details Assignment 2 builds upon the foundation that was set by completing Assignment 1. This time around, we were tasked with implementing a login...
Assignment 2 Learning Progress
10 Apr 2023
My programming skills have greatly improved in the following ways: My programming skills have greatly improved in the following ways: learning and becoming more attentive to every detail of every line and name of my files because one wrong letter...
Assignment1 Improvement Reflection
14 Feb 2023
For this WOD, I was tasked with creating a sales receipt for a sale that contained five different products. This WOD was titled “Invoice 1.” Essentially, within the sales receipt, displayed the name of the items, the quantity, the price,...
Essay WODs
29 Jan 2023
Browser History 1 When I first opened the instructions for the first WOD, I said to myself, this is going to take a long time to complete. Upon finishing it, I saw that I was right, it did take me...
BrowserHistory1 BrowserHistory2 BrowserHistory3
13 Jan 2023
Since high school, I have always tried my best to immerse myself into new challenges. Thus, I took classes in a wide variety of fields from performing arts, engineering, economics, environmental science, and business finance and marketing. Although, I had...
MIS Finance